Note Making and Cognition

This is a big big topic. It is absolutely integral to the entire idea of using journaling to explore cognition.

To explore it well we are going to look at as many Ways of Seeing it as we can. These Ways-of-Seeing will inspire and inform many Ways-of-Doing (practical tips, suggestions and best practices).

We’ll also look at various cognitive aspects and considerations to help us keep the big picture in mind, to create opportunities and resources for ourselves, to create unique approaches that we can mix and match according to our mental and cognitive needs and proclivities, to change up what we do in response to the kinds, properties and qualities of the things we are trying to capture and to help create more and unique, extensions, expansions, value and resources to enhance our experience and use of those things.

Here is our first way-of-seeing the process of note making. Its a ridiculously broad description - and complete valid!

Zoomed Out Description 1 - Each note is an interface between what is inside and what is outside:

In a very broad sense, in terms of memory and other cognitive structures and processes, we use the art of note making to capture and work with the things that our memory will be made of and use. Once created, the note points to the places, times and contexts that are in some way laid down in memory. We can think of each note as a portal, a viewer, a window, a probe and a stimulus. And every time we interact with the contents of a note we are constructing a momentary interface between a representation of Something external to us and any the number of places in the internal world where that Something is stored, represented, active and encoded. We use these interfaces to create cognitive moments which bring the resources of memory, attention and consciousness together to animate, energize, call-up, instantiate and inspire unique, ephemeral cognitive spaces where the internal knowledge can live, dance and change itself for a period of time. Whew! That is several mouthfuls! And were just getting started!

That gets us on our way: More to Come!