Journaling with Images: Tile Stream

A Trip to Nepal - With a stop-over in Japan

Fushimi Inari-Taisha, Japan

Fushimi Inari-Taisha, Japan

First rain of the monsoon season: Nepal. This soon became a flood! You’ll see!

First rain of the monsoon season: Nepal. This soon became a flood! You’ll see!

There are many ways to use journaling and images to study and create with aspects of cognition - aspects such as memory formation, learning, semantic networks, narrative, personality, and our internal representations of our lives and the world we live them in. I’d like to look at some of these aspects by using a set of software applications (code named “Tile Stream”) that I developed to help me explore these topics for myself. I use it to generate my own journal for travel, images and other things. I’ve been working on these systems for years, love using them and am excited to share a little about them.

Integrating images with … everything else. From the perspective of the individual, Knowledge, Experience, Learning and Memory are not separable, but are richly interconnected aspects of cognition and life. There is much to be gained by being able to work with all of these simultaneously so that they can be explored together and integrated. To design for this interconnectivity Tile Stream is built into and integrated with an electronic journal, a knowledge management system, an author driven presentation engine and an AI assisted analysis and exploration system.

I’ll point to a list of features later in the series. For now I think the best way to describe the system is to see how it is used. To get started, I’ll use it to add images from a trip I took to Nepal in May-June 2019. The system does a lot of unexpected stuff to keep things fresh and interesting for the author (user) - that’s how I ended up briefly revisiting Japan…

Episode 1: The Journal Console and an unexpected revisit to Japan! Go ->

Related Resources

Tips for Journaling with Images - GO ->

Cognitive Considerations of Journaling With Images - GO ->

(PS - If you have an interest in using a system like this for your own journaling and images - contact me at The system is not for sale - but I work with a small number of “testers” - the next round of testing will begin Fall 2109)

(PS 2 - some of the images from this series can be found on a blog site that I generate in part using Tile Stream. It’s called Flock of Photons -