Exploring Concepts from the Stream

How can we get the most out of interacting with concepts?

  • Tip #1 Introspection first

While definitions and other structures will be offered and collaboratively built and rebuilt over time, one of the principles motivating Big Sky methodologies is that concepts reside internally in ways that are independent of external representations. It is very likely that we will have had some prior relationship with many of the concepts before seeing them in the Stream. Our brains and minds may already instantiate them in ways that are unique to each of us. Exploring this state of affairs not only generates probes for autobiographical recall, it also gives an evidential window into how memory works in general, and how YOUR memory is working right now. In this way each concept is a unique key that can be used to open doors to each of our internal cognitive universes.

So we want to build in a cycle of consideration and evaluation of what we think about a concept BEFORE interacting with new external representations. Many of the initial thought questions and lenses which appear with concepts will focus on that.

More processing tips on the way!